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Ex-Sedentário - José Guimarães

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Maratona de Munique

José Guimarães
42.195 kilometres through the heart of Munich – the marathon distance Taking part in the MUNICH MARATHON is more than just a personal challenge because you can run 42.195 kilometres (almost) everywhere. With the start in the Bavarian metropolis you link the sporting event with an architectonic experience, the best performance in terms of the run with aesthetic pleasure. Alone a glance at the route along world famous Munich sights such as the Olympic Park, the English Garden, Marienplatz with the town hall, past the Opera House and the Residence, the famous Pinakothek art galleries, across Odeonsplatz to Siegestor, then continuing across Leopoldstrasse and through the heart of Schwabing back to Olympic Park shows the uniqueness of the backdrop to the MUNICH MARATHON. When you reach the finish goose bumps are guaranteed: the large marathon gateway awaits you with a curtain made of mist, music and coloured light. You pass through this curtain onto the last 400 metres of your MUNICH MARATHON: one lap of the Munich Olympic Stadium.