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Ex-Sedentário - José Guimarães

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Sou atleta e não como glúten: o que devo comer ao pequeno almoço?

José Guimarães
    Mom was right: breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. This is especially true if you are an athlete, a weekend warrior, or just looking to kick start your fitness routine and drop a few pound. But when initially starting a gluten-free meal plan, it can be difficult to ditch your old gluten-filled breakfast staples and rediscover new morning meals that meet the unique nutritional needs of an active body. Athletes require more carbohydrates than sedentary folks in order to keep fueling the fire as your body depletes theglycogen stores in your liver and muscles during a workout. But there's another macronutrient that often gets overlooked amid all the talk of allergies, gluten, and grains: protein. Too many carbohydrates first thing in the morning may leave you feeling sluggish, especially when it comes to the simple carbs found in refined grains, cereals, and baked goods. When you literally “break the fast,” a big hit of sugar from refined carbohydrates can actually do more harm than good to your performance and fitness goals. A sugar crash from consuming too many carbs will inevitably sap your motivation, instead of powering you through your workout and keeping your engine revved all day. Instead, studies have shown that starting your day with a high-protein breakfast can help curb the release of ghrelin, the hormone responsible for stoking your appetite. With the right breakfast combination, you can put a little carbohydrate fuel in your body’s glycogen tank while taking advantage of protein’s filling effect at the same time. Take a closer look at your breakfast routine and try to increase the protein-to-carbohydrate ratio with some quick fixes. Add a little grilled chicken or turkey to your scrambled eggs. Swap out gluten-free oatmeal for quinoa flakes, which pack a little more of a protein punch. Ditch the high-sugar cereals, even if they're gluten-free, and opt for plain, protein-packed Greek yogurt instead. And just because you're living a healthy, gluten-free life doesn't mean you aren't allowed to occasionally indulge in some of your old favorites. Try out this high-protein pancake recipe for gluten-free athletes that will make you forget you aren’t eating the real thing: Peanut Butter Banana Protein Pancakes Ingredients 1/4 c Almond flour or meal 1/4 c Whey protein powder 1/4 c Egg Whites 1 tsp Baking soda 1 tsp Cinnamon 1 medium ripe banana 3 Tbsp Peanut Butter 1 Tbsp Honey Directions Use a hand blender to whip up the egg whites until they're frothy if you like a fluffier pancake. Or just use a whisk or fork to beat them. Add half the banana and blend. (Or microwave half the banana for approximately 30 seconds until it's mushy enough to mash with a fork.) Mix in almond meal, whey protein powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and 2 Tbsp of peanut butter until smooth. Dice up the other half of the banana and fold into the batter. Fire up your skillet and melt butter or oil. Fry up your pancakes. In the meantime, take the remaining 1 Tbsp of peanut butter and the honey and microwave together in a small bowl for a few seconds. Whisk together with a fork to make a smooth glaze. Immediately pour this yummy sauce over the hot pancakes when they are finished. Makes about 8 medium pancakes, or 2 servings. Nutritional Information: (per serving) Calories: 359 Fat: 19.5g Protein: 18g Carbs: 30.5g Sodium: 145.5mg Sugar: 18g